Free Videos vs Paid Courses

Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)
3 min readDec 1, 2022


When you learn from genuine creators who believe in the concept of helping enough people get the results they desire and in the process getting what they themselves desire

And Money is the byproduct of adding value to people’s life

You would have observed that most of their Free & Paid Courses are almost along similar lines (of course, a few additional things in paid)

But a person who wants to grow can easily find all the information on Google (if they want to find it and believe in the power of Googling)

So what is exactly the difference between the Free and Paid Course of such creators? And why everyone learns better when they have invested in themselves?

Difference between Free & Paid Courses (Creator’s Perspective)

According to me from the creator's perspective, there are three differences:

1. There is a Structure to the Course that guides people step by step throughout the journey which in general lacks in YouTube Videos

2. Some Advance Concepts are covered in the paid course. This is done because in general, the people on YouTube are in exploring and skimming mode and not someone who has developed their skillset beyond the intermediate level.

Thus if course creators tell advanced concepts, it will only end up confusing them, which is really harmful to the audience.

Because a Course Creators Success is defined not by how much they know and can tell people about it. But how they could help people go from one level to the next level. What transformation they can help people achieve.

3. Templates and Resources are Shared in Paid one with step-by-step instructions on using a toolset in the best way.

Plus also they first work on the mindset of people, because from there only the base for the next level opens up.

Personality development and Business Development go hand in hand.

Difference between Free & Paid Courses (Consumer’s Perspective)

But the main difference between this Free & Paid Structure comes from a Consumer Perspective:

1. Rarely do people take action from the Free Courses or Free Videos they get on YouTube. In the end, actions are what bring in results.

2. What we pay for we value and what came to us is a Free thing, we rarely Focus on that, as we do on paid things. So the attention of people is Far different in these two ways. And wherever the attention goes Energy Flows.

In spite of all this, to date, we don’t understand the power of investing in ourselves, for developing our Mindset, Skillset & Using Toolset for Growth.

We want to get everything for Free.

But the charge is for our own good.

And if you are a creator, you are probably doing a disservice by not charging for your sharing and selling your expertise or learnings.

Focus on helping people achieve transformation. Overdeliver at every stage.

And from a Consumer perspective don't shy away from investing for your growth. Plus after investing if you see that the paid and free stuff are almost similar, don’t judge your decision.

Your investment decision is what can be the difference between your success and being stuck in the same place.

What’s your take on this? Any additions from your side are welcome

Thanks & Regards
Your Abundance Partner
Abundance Ankit

P.S. Above is valid for genuine creators who believe in the power of rising themselves by lifting others. Overdelivering doesn’t mean you tell everything at every stage. Just give so much information that can help people move from achieving the result so that they can go from one level to other. And getting people to that stage of self-dependency to solve their own problem

P.P.S. Being a Consumer Learn to Find these creators. And one such biggest trait will be they don’t shy away from providing the complete info to you and overdelivering at every stage. (even with Free Videos)

It’s all Connected.

Know the Best Way to Learn Anything Faster? Read this Article on Learning Pyramid to get your Answer.



Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)
Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)

Written by Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)


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