Passion is an Over-Hyped Word…

Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)
2 min readDec 1, 2022


Passion is an over-hyped word, especially for a beginner.

We are told that in order to do something great, we must be passionate about it.

We must Love it.

And I totally agree with it.

But almost 90% percent of people don’t know what they are passionate about.

Not knowing is OK and it’s part of the FUN (Life)

But the problem comes when this becomes a reason for not taking the first step and starting out.

If you are not aware then you must figure it out and to do that you must start doing things.

Don’t waste too much time figuring out what you want to do.

Start learning any skill and doing any type of work that you feel you want to do.

Don’t wait to figure out the exact purpose of your life.

As nobody knows it unless and until they achieve it.

What will happen is that in this process you will be able to figure out what you love to do i.e your passion.
Or the thing which you are currently doing will become your passion.

If this doesn’t work you will get another opportunity.

Life is a marathon, not a 100m race.

Plus it's not necessary that you love one thing or work in only one area. It’s just a start.

It’s an AND World, not an OR World, where you have to choose.

You can do anything and everything in life as long as it's ethical and you are happy.

So don’t let not knowing your passion become the excuse for not starting anything.

Just Start to figure out your passion.

Remember, Everything can be figured out.

So, Do you know what you are passionate about? If not how you are planning to find it out?

Thanks & Regards
Your Abundance Partner
Abundance Ankit

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Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)
Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)

Written by Ankit Kumar (Abundance Ankit)


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